Article Overview:
This article will cover how you can achieve the following:
1. How to use Virtuoso’s API to generate execution reports as per your requirements.
2. How to generate a basic report with step details and screenshots using a JavaScript code.
Problem Statement:
Generating execution reports in Virtuoso can be a complex task, especially when trying to customize the report output according to specific project requirements. Users often face challenges in extracting detailed execution data, such as step-level outcomes, screenshots, and overall execution statistics, from the Virtuoso platform. Additionally, the need to generate user-friendly, easily shareable formats such as PDFs, which contain comprehensive details of the execution steps, further complicates the reporting process.
This article addresses these challenges by providing a solution that leverages Virtuoso’s API to generate customized execution reports using JavaScript code.
The following API can be used to fetch the execution details of an execution job.
API details:
- Endpoint:
- Parameters: goalId, projectId, journeyId, snapshotId, jobId (same as executionId)
More information about this API endpoint can be found here.
Note: You can pass any of the above parameters when making the API call to generate the execution report. However, to get the report for a particular execution, you only need to pass the “jobId”.
Here is a sample curl request for reference:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-TOKEN>'
API Response:
The API response JSON has multiple nesting levels. Below is a rough structure to understand the nesting before you can parse it:
- API response
- item
- journeys
- journeyId (encoded uuid)
- journey details
- last change details
- changelog, user who made the change, time of change, etc
- last execution details
- job
- basic job details like environment, start time, user who launched the execution, etc
- execution
- execution data like start time, end time, total duration, etc
- statistics
- execution statistics like outcome and duration
- report
- step-by-step details of execution, screenshots, side effects, network calls, etc
- job
- journeyId (encoded uuid)
- journey statistics
- high-level statistics like outcome (pass/fail), execution duration, etc
- journeys
- item
Note: The “report” tag in the API response JSON holds the maximum information, as it contains step-level data like individual screenshots, step pass/fail data, step duration, side effects, and much more.
Using the API:
In order to extract the data from the report tag, make sure that you parse the response JSON correctly.
Attached below is a sample response JSON for your reference. <attach file sampleResponse.json>
Generate execution report pdf using the API:
You can use this API to create custom reports for your executions. Based on the most frequent customer queries, we have built a script that lets you generate an execution report using simple JavaScript. <attach file screenshotReport.js>
This script does the following:
- Generates an execution report (PDF file) for an individual execution (provide jobId as input).
- The output PDF file contains one page for each step in the journey.
- Each page contains the following details for a single step:
- JourneyId
- Journey title
- Goal name
- StepId
- Step’s execution outcome (pass/fail)
- Checkpoint title
- Step’s execution duration
- Screenshot of the browser when that particular step is executed
- Error message (if the step failed)
How to use the script:
- Install NodeJS on your local system.
- Please make sure you have created a token from your profile in Virtuoso (keep the token handy it will be used in step 4)
- Download the screenshotReport.js file (from the attachment section of this article) and store it in a local drive (E.g. C:/Temp/screenshotReport.js)
- Open the screenshotReport.js file and update the token in line no 282 and update the jobId in line no 283
- Optional step - if you are using an instance other than, please replace all the API endpoints in the screenshotReport.js file accordingly (e.g. api-us for instance and api-uk for instance)
- Open the cmd prompt in your machine
- Navigate to the location C:/Temp on cmd
- Install “axios” using the command: npm install axios
- Install “pdf-lib” using the command: npm install pdf-lib
- Install “date-fns” using the command: npm install date-fns
- Execute the command - node screenshotReport.js to generate the pdf report
- The output pdf report will be generated in C:\Temp
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