Article Overview:
This article will cover how you can achieve the following:
This article will describe the techniques for converting a string to a number and eliminating unwanted commas by using extension and Inline expressions in Virtuoso.
Problem Statement:
In web applications, numbers are often stored as strings with commas, making it difficult to perform numerical operations. To enable accurate calculations and data processing, it’s necessary to convert these comma-separated strings into numbers while removing the unwanted commas.
This article provides solutions for converting strings to numbers and eliminating commas in Virtuoso using either extensions or inline expressions.
We can change a string to a number and get rid of extra commas in two methods:
- Using an extension
- Using inline expressions.
Method 1: Using as an extension (Extension name - String)
Please use the following code to create a new extension.
function parse_Float(number)
return parseFloat(number.replaceAll(",", ""));
// Log the parsed float
How to use the extension in the Journey:
Method 2: Using as an Inline-expression
Store value ${parseFloat($value.replaceAll(",", ""))} in $value2
How to use the expression in the Journey:
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