Article Overview:
This article will cover how you can achieve the following:
How to upload a file in Virtuoso from local system (machine)
Problem Statement:
How to handle file uploads in Virtuoso from the local system and then utilize them in journeys.
The Environments Tab offers the ability to upload files from our local systems. This can be done by following the steps mentioned below:
Steps to upload a file in an environment variable (file variable):
- Click on the Environments Tab
- Click on the Add file option on the Top right
- Create a variable name and upload the required finale in the Drag and drop or browse file area
- Click on “Add file as variable”.
- A file will be added in the Environment variable with the defined variable name
Steps to use the file variable in a Journey:
- Open the journey where you want to upload the file.
- Please use the NLP syntax mentioned below to upload a file.
- Upload $File to "Browse Files"
Example NLP Test Steps:
The publicly accessible files can also be uploaded in the AUT without creating the file variable by using the NLP step mentioned below:
- Upload "" in "Browse Files"
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